Herbs from the Ground Up Apprenticeship
2025 Herbs From the Ground Up Apprenticeship (HGU)
9 months March - November (scroll down for dates)
Saturday: 9:30am - 4:30pm
$1333. US paid in full by February 28, 2025 Is this the year you'll begin a practice of chronic health?
Herbs From the Ground Up Herbal Apprenticeship includes:
9 days onsite instruction + field trips + homework
+ 3 weekend Integrated Earth Medicine Camps
+ 8 LIVE Q&A Zoom meetings
+ Annual membership in the HerbWiseWomen online community Core Program ($149. value)
+ Fresh herbs monthly for making your take home personal materia medica (participants supply menstruums & containers)
This apprenticeship sets a strong foundation for your lifelong journey with plants, earth and community.
Each apprentice day with EagleSong includes a talking stick ceremony, an herb walk, a local food lunch and all instruction.

Herbs From the Ground Up = HGU
HGU is a 9-month herbal apprenticeship, meeting in-person the second Saturday each month, March through November + 8 LIVE Q&A Zoom meetings mid-month
The curriculum is dynamic and changes with the seasons. New material is continually added, and following nature's lead, the old is composted, providing nourishment for on-going generative growth.
HGU runs concurrently with RavenCroft Saturday Herb Workshops and three 2-day Integrated Earth Medicine Camps
As an apprentice, you will:
Craft a foundation for using herbs safely, wisely, and effectively in your daily life
Learn to identify, harvest and use common weeds, wild plants and dooryard herbs
Grow plants as food & medicine using generative methods, including no-dig & permaculture principles
Tend gardens with diverse species including poultry, small livestock and multitudes of ever-present microbes
Create optimum nourishment inspired by global traditions through time
Make and use effective herbal remedies
Cultivate the skills of a naturalist
Recognize 3 traditions of health and use 6 steps of healing the wise woman way
Create a personal materia medica you can use and expand for the rest of your life
Develop an understanding of well-being using energy woven through seasonal cycles of nature and engaging the spiral of life
Practice deep listening and "seeing" through the veil
Access the Wise Healer within
Approach listening to hear the "language of the land"
Engage outside projects and extensive reading...YES! There is homework!
"I'm new to herbs and natural health and feel called to nature. Is there a place for me in this program?"
People of all levels are encouraged to participate. Through curiosity and willingness...learning becomes a reciprocal agreement with life. HGU meets you wherever you are and grows from there.
"Being in circle with the Talking Stick every month was certainly one of the unexpected highlights of my year."
Does this sound like what you're looking for?
Send a letter of intent and a $100. non-refundable application fee
Participate in a phone interview with EagleSong
Upon acceptance, proceed with tuition payment as agreed in your phone interview
Send your letter of intent and application fee to:
EagleSong Gardener
PO Box 837
Monroe, WA 98272
Include the following in your letter of intent:
The current date, your name, address, phone number, email, occupation, health concerns, and date of birth.
List your educational experiences, work positions, and passion relating to herbs, gardens, kitchens, and apothecary!
Tell me what you hope to gain from your apprenticeship with me. Include a $100. non-refundable application fee.
Upon receipt, I'll schedule a call and talk with you. Afterward, if we are in agreement, I’ll send you a letter of acceptance, annotated reading list, and the supplies you will need to bring.
In the rare event I cannot fulfill your intention, your application fee and letter of intent will be returned.

Total tuition $1333. + $100. application fee
Pay in full by February 15, 2025: You may pay by cash, check, or credit card (CC + service fees.) Payment plan? Inquire...
Work exchange/Barter (WE/B):
Participate in the hands-on crofting practicum whilst reducing your tuition. Requires a commitment of 6 ~ 6 hour days of crofting contribution during your year apprenticeship. Participation is a commitment. You will receive a refund for practicum hours as they are worked. Past apprentices frequently celebrated the vitality and depth the crofting practicum brought to their learning experience.
Interested? Questions?
Email eaglesong08@gmail.com with WE/B in subject line

12 days instruction (~90 hours) + homework
8 - LIVE Zoom Q&A sessions (8 hours)
12 local food lunches
HGU Herbal Ally Notebook ~ Personal Materia Medica
Healing Wise Susun Weed's big green book for everybody. If you already have this book, let me know.
Access to an extensive library covering herbs, gardening, farming, goddess & women's studies, recipes, remedies & more
Access to plants and simple tools for natural gardening, herbal medicine making, traditional food preparation
Direct experience with a web of life integrating home, greenhouse, gardens and small livestock
Access to an established (34 yr) generative garden with hundreds of herbs, weeds, native and exotic plants, vegetables, fruits, berries, woodlot plants, hedges and edges...and a thriving community of birds, insects, mammals, reptiles & microbes plus poultry, goats and various cats
Access to a living labyrinth changing through time and space
Field trips, foraging rambles to local farms, parks, commons and wild places
Local artisans and craftspersons sharing their expertise as guest instructors
And, perhaps, best of all, a table next to the hearth!
Required Books and Supplies:
Not included in tuition fee...
Common Herbs for Natural Health by Juliette de Bairacli Levi, Gathering the Desert by Gary Paul Nabhan
Cost of supplies for medicine making i.e. alcohol, vinegar, honey, jars, etc.
Dried herbs for personal use (approximately 1 lb. per month)
100 proof Vodka, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, 2 oz, 4 oz, 8 oz, 16 oz jars with tight fitting lids
Cost of supplies for occasional handmade craft projects
Additional fees run approximately $200.00
"I know that I am different, better, deeper and wiser. I have more internal questions. My eyes are open to the individuality of the green things that grow, the dark of the earth, the rhythms of my life"
Are you ready to take the 13th Step & Leap into a new you?
Are you willing to expand beyond comfortable limits as you perceive them?
Does this sound like what you are looking for?
Are you ready to liberate your inner herbalist?
If the answer is YES to these questions...
Send your letter of intent (as outlined above) and a $100. non-refundable application fee via snail mail. Your deep consideration of this undertaking is appreciated.
EagleSong Gardener
PO Box 837
Monroe, WA 98272
Questions: 360-794-2938
Email: eaglesong08@gmail.com
2025 HGU Apprentice Meeting Dates
Course content is determined by garden allies in residence, rhythms & patterns in nature and guided by wise woman ways...The following is a general outline of the territory we'll be passing through...each apprentice Saturday with EagleSong Gardener includes a Talking Stick ceremony, an herb walk, local food lunch and all instruction. Guest presenters may join in.
Learn more about our Saturday Herb Workshops
March 8
HGU Apprenticeship begins...The Art and Craft of Simpling, Nourishing Herbal Infusions, nettle, willow, hedges and edges. 3 traditions of healing. Spring tonics. Bite buds. Green medicine. Springing into health. Grounding and Navigation. Crafting the container. Igniting the central fire. Provisioning for the journey.
April 12-13
2 Day Garden Camp Cultivating abundance...From the Ground Up...Come earth & air, Come fire & water bring us the power to heal...
May 10
Hands-On Herbs May bounty. Spring Gardens. Wild foraging.
June 14
Hands-On Herbs Summer. Zenith. Soothing. Moistening. Hydration. Nourishing Immunity.
July 12-13
2-Day Herbal Medicine Maker's Camp From earth to apothecary...
August 9-10
2 Day Food Camp Unleashed For the intrepid food explorer...Gut. Intelligence. Intuition. Connecting outside/inside
September 27
Hands-On Herbs: Heart health, circulation, blood. Movement. Happiness.
October 11
Hands-On Herbs: Sinews.Flexibility. Resilience. Holding yourself together.
November 8
Hands-On Herbs: Falling. Spiraling. Transformation. Magical plants, visioning, love potions, natural scent therapy, dream pillows, flying ointments. Approaching darkness.
November 9
HGU Apprentice Celebration: This is your day...graduation, presentations, optional earth-green witch initiation, spiraling into the center...Seeds, story, feasting, family, approaching darkness...
Refunds of Apprentice Fees
Due to the nature of the commitment required of apprentices, all apprentice fees are non-refundable but may be used at any time.
Unsure about committing? Check out other options for working with me...
In Person
Integrated Earth Medicine Camps ~ Saturday Herb Workshop ~ Herb Field Days ~ Garden Opens ~ In person national herb conferences, symposiums, gatherings
HerbWiseWomen ~ Seasonal Celebrations ~ Herbal Q&A ~ Courses ~ Women's Community