Healing From the Ground Up (HGU 2)
2020 Details forth coming...stay tuned!
HGU 2: Deepening, An herbal journey for women
March 23, 2019 to February 29, 2020 ~
Tuition: $1400.
A Wise Woman's Herbal Journey
This is a journey for women harboring a secret desire
for cultivating intimacy with Earth through
the sensuous practice of life.
~An experience of living into the place you inhabit, of being one with Earth~
In HGU2 you will explore the language of plants by integrating the tools of the botanist, developing the eyes of the naturalist and deepening the meaning and use of herbs for the wise woman herbalist.
A Wise Women's Herbal Journey is an opportunity to join with women and experience the rich, potent history of the wisdom tradition of women through time, with women today and for women yet to come.
A ritual, an offering, a shared experience…
As we journey through the year and a day together...
we recognize who we are...
we do what we've come to do on this beautiful
blue-green planet hurtling through space...
We laugh! We cry! We rejoice!
It's time!
To join together, as women, for a year and a day. Let us see ourselves, nourish ourselves, and celebrate each other. Together, we create our world in ways yet to be imagined…
We set out on a journey! Marking a route, leaning into the rhythm of land and sky and sea. Together, we create an earth-centered, woman-honoring celebration complete with
connection, ceremony and transformation
climaxing in a rendezvous with life!
This offering is a synthesis of my 45 years practice as an herbalist~gardener, pilgrim~adventurer, grandmother~earth-keeper and lover of life. Combined with the stories each woman brings to the table, these ingredients slowly marinate over the course of the journey and simmer into a
sweet and savory feast.
“I’ve found others committed to putting energy toward endeavors that cultivate life and make a positive impact in the world today, rather than being dragged down by the challenges of this time.”... Kimberly
Registration is a 3-step process
Send a letter of intent (see below) and $100. non-refundable application fee
Phone interview
Upon acceptance proceed with tuition payment as agreed in phone interview
Send letter of intent and $100. application fee to:
EagleSong Gardener
PO Box 837
Monroe, WA 98272
Include the following in your letter of intent:
The current date, your name, address, phone number, email, occupation, health concerns and date of birth.
List your educational experiences, work positions and passion relating to herbs and healing.
Tell me what you hope to gain from your apprenticeship with me
Include a $100. non-refundable application fee.
Upon receipt, I'll schedule a call and talk with you. Afterwards, if we are in agreement, I’ll send you a letter of acceptance, annotated reading list and supplies you will need to bring. ​
In the rare event I cannot fulfill your intention, your application fee and letter of intent will be returned.
Dates TBD for 2020
March 2019 - February 2020
This is an offering for women.
Over the 13 month journey each participant will:
Learn herbal wisdom in the tradition of women from around the world, deepen optimum nourishment and skills for tending spirit's flame.
Get her kit together for rambles in the local river valleys, visiting farms and wild places for foraging, forest bathing, river and lake swimming and orienting to rhythms of life in sync with nature...
Saturday lunch is gathered in the gardens of the Snoqualmie, Skykomish and Snohomish river valleys. Food is prepared to optimize natural flavor and engage the optimum nourishment the land provides…many feasts!
Deepen her understanding of the art, craft and science of herbal traditions accessible to everyone
Herbal medicines and provisions for the journey will be hand-crafted from foraged and cultivated plants each month celebrating local plants and engaging world travelers...
In situations like this, song often spontaneously bursts forth!
This is a rigorous training, not for the faint of heart!
You'll travel through uncharted territory;
discover what is yet to be experienced...
"I learned so much, but mostly a new way to learn"... Judith
Consider this an invitation to:
Push yourself
Challenge your paradigms
Come together to be together
With earth, with yourself, with spirit!
Is this path for you?
Are you looking for a deepening experience beyond mind,
into the sensuous, into the heart of matter?
If you answer YES! to these questions, do consider joining us for an opportunity of a lifetime!
Register early to ensure your place in this journey...
Wise Woman's Herbal Journey includes:
Fresh, local food lunch, all instruction, herbs
Books: Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer, + Menopausal Years by Susun Weed
Field trips to rivers, valleys, mountains and beaches in the area
Plants for food and medicine making...
Craft materials for assigned handwork...
Certificate of Completion
Participants provide:
Jars and menstruums for medicine making: vinegar, vodka and honey
Herbs to use between weekend gatherings...
Notebooks, journals, etc.
Suggested texts for plant ID: Botany in a Day, Thomas Elpel, Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast, Pojar & MacKinnon or Peterson's Wildflowers
Craft materials for chosen handwork
For the first 3 Saturday adventures, digital media is voluntarily disallowed…read this again!
​(A ceremonial house will be crafted for the safe keeping of your device onsite)
Transportation on rambles. Carpooling works great here!
HGU 2 ~ March 23, 2019 to February 29, 2020 ~ 4th Saturday
Tuition: $1300. Due by March 9, 2019 in full or with an agreement schedule in place for payments
$100. Non-refundable application fee
To apply:
Please send the following in your letter of intent to register:
The date, your name, address, phone number, current email, occupation, health concerns and date of birth.
List your educational experiences, work positions and passion relating to herbs, health and healing.
Tell me what you hope to gain from your journey.
Include a $100. non-refundable application fee. Upon receipt, a phone interview will be scheduled.
When your application is approved, I’ll send you a letter of acceptance including directions, a list of what to bring for our first gathering and further details about the journey.
In the rare event we cannot fulfill your intention, your application fee will be returned.
Send your Letter of Intent with $100. check or money order application fee via postal mail to the following address...once you are accepted payment details will be determined in the phone interview.
EagleSong Gardener
PO Box 837
Monroe, WA 98272
Questions: 360-794-2938
Green Blessings

"...the garden is like a good conversation that leaves you believing something more is possible"...Kirsten