Natural Health ~ Herbal Medicine
~ cultivating heart & soul the wise woman way ~
RavenCroft Garden
2022 Calendar of Events
Herbal Apprenticeships, Weekend Workshops, Integrated Earth Medicine Camps, Bio-Regional Herb Walks in-person
Garden Opens-Seasonal Celebrations & Moon Lodges
online at HerbWiseWomen
+ Local & National Outside Teaching with EagleSong Gardener
EagleSong Gardener
RavenCroft Garden & HerbWiseWomen online
Schedule of Events 2022
PO Box 837, Monroe, WA 98272 phone: 360-794-2938
Register via postal mail or online
Please Note: 2022 brings a hybrid dance of online and in-person learning opportunities to EagleSong-Gardener.com
For classes, workshops and events at RavenCroft Garden follow green links
*For online classes & events go to HerbWiseWomen follow red links. Join the online community here
**For conferences & outside events follow blue links
We look forward to having you join us in the garden, online or at an outside event as we spiral forward together...
Click on a title to learn more...
January 30 12:00pm PST | Online Garden Open-Seasonal Celebration celebrating Imbolc, St. Brigit's Day, Groundhog Day, Candlemas, the mid-point between winter solstice and the vernal equinox. Water. Life moves in the belly of earth. Roots reach out, bulbs fatten, lambs are born, daylight lengthens. Sharpening tools.
February 23 | Online Moon Lodge HerbWiseWomen
March 7 | LIA: Spring Live-In Apprenticeship begins
March 12-13| HGU Apprenticeship begins nested within weekend workshops
March 12-13| Hands-On Herbs: Grounding in place with seasonal rhythms. The art, science & craft of simpling. Engaging optimum nourishment year round. Spring tonics. Bite buds! Does a day in the country cause or cure Spring Fever? Come find out!
*March 16 | Online HWW Seed Exchange Live Event
**March 19 | Snoqualmie Valley Seed Exchange Carnation, WA
**March 19 | March of the Vegetables Parade Duvall, WA
*March 20 | Online Garden Open ~ Vernal Equinox Celebration, HerbWiseWoman Seed Keepers, light & dark are equal everywhere on earth, earth warms, spring begins.
April | April Fool's Day Croft OPEN Sale & Give-Away
April 2 | HerbWalk: Lake Tradition Trail, Issaquah, WA
April 4 | Mid-Spring LIA: Live-In Apprenticeship begins
April 8-9-10 | HGU Apprenticeship Cultivating health from the ground up
April 8-9-10| Garden Camp: Integrated Earth Medicine From the Ground Up
April 20 | HWW Pop-Up Nourish! Live Q&A online
*April 27 | Online Moon Lodge RootWiseWoman
**April 28 | Travels with EagleSong begins with Rambling the English Countryside
May 1| Online Garden Open ~ May Day Seasonal Celebration halfway between spring equinox and summer solstice, cross quarter nourishing earth fertility, weaving webs of sustenance, warm planting, big seeds. Fertility, momentum, exuberance.
May 9-15 | Online Comfrey Conference second week of May. Stay tuned...
May 7 | HerbWalk: Snoqualmie Valley, WA with Rachael Witt
May 14-15 | HGU Apprenticeship Green allies abound
May 14-15 | Hands-On Herbs: Foraging wild & cultivated food right outside your door! Nettle soup, wild salads, harvesting & preserving the green
*May 25 | Online Moon Lodge RootWiseWoman
**May 27-29 | Midwest Women's Herbal: Spring Conference, EagleSong Gardener teaching
June 4 | HerbWalk: Cascades East, Leavenworth, WA, Full Day
June 6 | Summer LIA: Live-In Apprenticeship begins
June 11-12 | HGU Apprenticeship
June 11-12 | Hands-On Herbs: Immune system, lymphatics, respiratory care. Elderberry, marshmallow, linden, echinacea, boneset. Acute & chronic inflammation, cooling fire, soothing, moistening, nourishing...cultivating longevity
June 17-19 | Botanica: A Festival of Plants, Lafayette CO, EagleSong teaching with Hawthorn
*June 19 | Online Summer Solstice Celebration HerbWiseWomenThe sun zeniths on this longest day of the year. he garden settles into summer growth, leaves full-grown receive sunlight nourishing earth deeply...fire, fulfillment, joy
*June 22 | Online Moon Lodge RootWiseWoman
July 2 | HerbWalk: In the City, UW Medicinal Herb Garden, Center for Urban Horticulture & Urban Farm, Seattle, WA
July 4: Mid-Summer LIA: Live-In Apprenticeship begins
July 9-10-11 | HGU: Apprenticeship mid-summer. Summer. Joy.
July 9-10-11 | Herbal Medicine Maker's Camp Safe, effective, accessible! Health In Your Own Hands! Preparation and application of herbs for home use.
July 14 | RootWiseWoman Live Q&A
*July 27 | Online Moon Lodge RootWiseWoman
*July 31| Online Garden Open ~ Celebration of the First Harvest HerbWiseWoman Breaking Bread, Blessing Grain, touching earth center, grounding, promise.
August 6 | HerbWalk: Iron Goat Trail, Stevens Pass, WA Mountain plants. Full Day.
August 8 | Late Summer LIA: Live-In Apprenticeship begins
August 12-13-14 | HGU Apprenticeship Culture rises from earth & air & water...
August 13-14-15 Food Camp Unleashed! Hands - On local~global fermented food traditions. Vegetable. Dairy. Beverage. Trusting your gut's health and intelligence!
NEW! Northwest Herbal Fair, teaching Nourishment: Weaving Life with Earth, vending
*August 24 | Online Moon Lodge RootWiseWoman
September 5 | Early Fall LIA: Live-In Apprenticeship begins
September10-11 | HGU Apprenticeship
September 10-11 | Hands-On Herbs & Heart health, circulation, blood; apples, hawthorn fruit, ginger, cayenne, zanthoxylums. Bioflavonoids, free radicals, adaptogens and longevity Movement, Happiness...
September 16-18 | Red Earth Women's Herbal Gathering, Bershoud, CO
*September 18 | Online Garden Open ~ Fall Equinox Celebration HWW When the sun crosses the equator from north to south the autumnal equinox fall begins. Equal dark and equal light bless the earth on this night. Roots, depth, equanimity.
September 23-25 | Mycelium Mysteries Almond, WI
*September 28 | Online Moon Lodge RootWiseWoman
October 2| HerbWalk: Herbs at the Seashore, LaConner, WA Diverse habitat with old trees & beaches. Plants abound. Last HerbWalk of 2022!
October 3 | Late Fall LIA: Live-In Apprenticeship begins
October 8|ONLINE Course at HerbWiseWomen Herbal Medicine Making Camp
Flexibility. Resilience.
October 8-9 | Hands-On Herbs Roots, Seeds & Sinews, elecampane, comfrey, dandelion, heirloom beans, bone broth, turning toward darkness. An in-depth visit with joints, ligaments, tendons, the sinews that bind you together.
*October 26 | Online Moon Lodge RootWiseWoman
Postponed to 2023 October 29-30| Earth Witch Intensive Dancing through the Veil. Witches, Worts & Wisdom...Weekend Ritual Gathering at RavenCroft Garden. Space limited. Details TBA
November Update
Join HerbWiseWomen.com to follow EagleSong's expanding Hawthorn Adventure as she takes to the road tracking, Tejocote, the Mexican Hawthorn, Crataegus mexicana through Oaxaca and Puebla, Mexico. Snippets of the adventure will be on EagleSong's Facebook and Instagram pages as well.
November 23 | Moon Lodge RootWiseWomen
December 18: Online & In-Person Solstice Garden Open ~ Winter Spiral Celebration in the Gathering Space, Song, Dance, Feasting & Bonfire.